Showing posts with label Baby boomer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby boomer. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

Investing: No better Time Than The Present!

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Look, money can be funny. 

Not having enough of it or none at all isn't the slightest bit tickling. Yet, we play with it everyday just to discard it as soon as the next shiny object appears. Take it from me, you just don't want to keep working your butt off everyday and then having nothing to show for it when you no long can work your butt off!

If you are a baby-boomer, you've undoubtedly heard these old wise words...... 

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"Work hard, save your money" 

Or how about,

 “When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you $5, it does not matter how much harder you work, the most you will make is $5.” ~ that one is by Idowu Koyenikan.

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If you are a millennial, you may be tech savvy and all, yet, the way you deal with savings, debts & retirement is still just as common and related as it was a generation before the baby-boomers.

Both these quotes have a relationship and a dissolution about them. 

Yes, you can work hard and save, while the amount you save, is all that gets saved! No matter how hard you work.

When we are younger, the world seems endless, our future.....immortal. We rack up school/student loans and credit card debts. Cars and other notes, on the firm belief that it will get paid off in the future. Not really concern about the repayment till near it's due date. In those days, we were in fact, simply living for only the next day.

Before you know it, you've got a wife or husband, a couple of awesome kids, a house & car note. All the while, that credit card & student loan is not only still there, it hasn't shrunk. In fact, because of the family and all that comes with it, that credit card has also multiplied. And the debt owed on them alone eats up a nice chunk of income monthly. 

And yet, we haven't even gotten to the savings part. First, take a look at a previous post on "Accumulate wealth, eliminate debt".

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Then saving and investing becomes your stairway to financial security.

As I mentioned in this earlier post, saving isn't really doing much for you except baby-sitting your money till you decide on some new shiny toy to purchase or withdraw it just to pay on another debt. 

Once there is a clear understanding that as long as you "owe someone", you'll never truly become financially independent nor wealthy.

Those of us who haven't giving up on dreams, goals or that bucket-list. Understand that we have to step-up our game. Money doesn't grow on trees yet it can grow. Money does make the world go round. And we need more of it just to see some of it.   

Now millennial's, because they are born into this new world of technology, computers, smartphones & apps, they have a slight edge. Baby-boomers & retirees may have to overcome some learning curves. Yet, we are in an era, that really does offer anyone with the patience & willingness to succeed an opportunity to grow their income substantially no matter what you have to start with.

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With that being said, it is this technology, that is offering these opportunities. Which is as I mention earlier, why the millennial's have a slight advantage over say, senior citizens. 

Through these technologies, we put our money into, so as to see our own money grow out of it. 

In the financial world, they call it "Investing" with the dictionary explaining it as follows.

"Expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture."

Investing - allows you to have your money work for you. As we get older, (not old), just older. Working smarter is just common sense than trying to keep working harder. I believe that we are not here just to work, pay bills than die. No, no, no.........!

Investing allows for compound interest. Over time and long term planning, the stock markets have consistently rose. Offering a much better returns for your dollar. Tax advantages, exciting while contributing to your favorite product, business or ventures. All these plus, you can make investing profitable, fun & worthwhile.  

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Why is investing now as good or even better as any other time in history?

If we talk about a long term investment strategies......say 10, 15 or 25 years from now. We are not just talking about retirees but, the millennial's for the next 15 - 25 years.

Using compound interest, if you were to take $5,000.00 and invest it into a stock, adding $100 per month for the next 15 years. Having a broker or you manage that investment for a mere 10% per month return rate. At the end of 15yrs, that initial $5,000.00 plus $100.00/month investment would now become $64,070. ($23,000 on principal & $41,070 in interest).

Not to complicate things to much, yet, one can tap into a little day trading or swing trading and that 10% monthly return rate would increase that percentage.

Now that's just a small investment and just a little effort to manage a 10% monthly yield. The right product or company pick could dramatically increase your chances of turning that initial investment into something super crazy.

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Which brings me to....."No better time than the present"

There are industries and products set forth today for tomorrow, that are truly what are called "disruptive technology".  You know some of yesteryear's disruptive techs like personal computers that disrupted the typewriter, Email disrupted the mail system, cellphone disrupted the landline telephone network, laptops disrupted the personal computer, smartphone disrupted all above and alternative energy is disrupting the fossil fuel industry. 

The companies that support & produce these future products are going to make ordinary people, not just wealthy, yet, multi-millionaires and even billionaires in the long run. All simply because they took time to learn how to invest, paying attention to trends and take action.

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POST  ~  D.W.W.D. Do What the Wealthy Do exactly where we are today. Just to name a few disruptive products starting with the international fiat currency system being disrupted by Blockchain technology, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies,  atlcoins & tokens. 

The pharmaceutical and alcohol companies are being disrupted by the Marijuana/cannabis/cannabidiol evolution.

Renewable & clean energy, Drone technology (UAV) or (AI) Artificial Intelligence are just a gleams into the future markets.

So yeah........Learn to invest now. Better late than never. If you didn't know, someone just informed you. 


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Copyright © 2018  HYPE LLC HaYes Productions & Enterprises LLC WeHit - Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved

DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Back To The Basic Series: Web Presence - When Marketers Need To Network Market

Marketer Networking Online using Internet Marketing

Back to the basic, in a series of re-prints articles from my yesteryear's as an internet marketer. I'm republishing some of the basic fundamentals of network marketing. 

There's a lot of information out there that tends to become mangled, twisted and whether confusing to those just getting into this industry. Hopeful you have read my previous article.........where you can you can get a glimpse of my back ground journey into the world of laptop/smartphone marketing as a home business.

Why my concern to back track on the simplicity?

Baby Boomers Population Graph
With some 75+ million baby boomer set to retire over the course of the next 14 years. They are turning 65 years of age at a rate of 10,000 a day. Many, as the latest statistic proclaim, will not have the funds to enjoy a decent retirement. Sighting 45% have no retirement saving at all.  Boosting a near 65% having to continue working past the age of 65. 

Baby Boomer and Technology for Home Business
There is technology that is in place, to allow our most popular generation an opportunity to at least work from the comfort of their home after retirement. After decades of punching the clock. And setting the stage for the younger generations. It's time we bring them into the online marketing loop.

   I like you to take a moment to picture this scenario. Its Saturday afternoon, you get a called from a friend, telling you about this huge sell down at the mall. Great, you love a good deal. Problem is, they didn't tell you which store had the sell. Malls are filled with many types of stores. Which one do you go to, how will you know where to get this great sell? You walk up & down, looking at all the printed ads in the window. Hundreds of shop to choose from.

Two very important events happened here.....

   1) A friend gave you information on a sell -- Word of mouth, networking (marketing) referral marketing

   2) Now that you know about this sell, where do you go to get your deal? 

The search......! As you pass by store after store, reading the advertisements, eventually you find the right store by what you see & read on outside ads or display racks. It is this very same nature of consumer hearing, seeking out and buying a product/service in a physical store as it would be in your online store.

   The most important piece of the puzzle in internet marketing is your web presence. Your web I.D. 

Internet Marketing with Landing Pages
   The place where consumers thirsty for your information, products and/or services will visit. This also known as "Branding". You create an online brand by building a business presence. Your website will serve as your main online presence and will act as a center point for all of your online promotional efforts. Your website should be distinctive, easy to navigate, and full of useful information. 

   Think exactly what purpose you want your website to serve. Information, promotions of other businesses, hobbies etc., exactly who your website targets, should have been made little cleaner, defined with your business plan.
   No matter how small your company is, if you are selling products or services, it is essential to have a website to reach your customers. Websites do not cost too much to build. Consider your website as a tool for expanding your business and profit. The internet has become  inexpensive, fast and the most reliable form of communication in this hi-speed  paced world of ours. And having a website, is your store in that huge mall we talked about earlier.

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 Taking your business on the internet is going to open up an entire new market for you than a physical store, simply because of the vast amount of potential customers you can reach.(one & half billion people are online across the global in 2009 to just over 4 billion user in 2018)

   Your website must allow customers to do business with you. People want to do things fast. This world is in a rush, people carry cell phones and laptops, so that they can stay connected. Your website is as powerful marketing tool as newspapers and magazines were in the past. If you want your business to go global, then you definitely need to have a marketing website.

   There's very little that can't be sold over the internet. With 10's of millions shoppers now online, purchasing everything from books to computers to cars to real estate to jet planes to natural gas, you name it. If you can imagine it, someone will figure out how to sell it online. Ebay, Amazon and even Walmart to name a few.

   Internet marketing research firms predict that the number of online consumers will grow at a rate of 25% to 45% over the next few years. 25% to 45% growth.,,,'ve got to want a piece of that pie!

Internet Marketing Infograph

   Consumers now search for information online prior to making a purchase at a brick-and-mortar store, your site may be the first chance you have at making a good impression and capture that sell.

  Your website is your store online; so you must have a presence on the internet so consumer can easily find out more about your business and the products/services you have to offer. 

   Everyone that is in this industry needs a website. Why? Most home-based internet entrepreneurs have what is called a replicated website for that business their in. 
You've seen these urls: theircompanycom/yourname

Google Search Engine BoxDid you know that these (internet addresses) can not be picked up by search engine spiders. (Programs that constantly crawl the internet - worldwide web collecting information for search engine index.) This is how one is able to locate websites using Google, Bing, Baibu, Duck Duck Go & countless other search engines. Google being the reigning king.

   Imagine all the free traffic & sales.....missed because visitors simply can not get to your website. Worse yet, brought from someone else who was able to draw that visitor to their business site.

If you have an online business with a replicated website You need a permanent home webpage.


A website with *Forwarding service*

   If you are unable to move your existing website content (replicated website), hard to remember, unprofessional or just plain ugly url. You may want to think about establishing your own domain name website with forwarding service. Someone visiting your permanent web page can automatically be transported to your existing website instantly.
Another reason to have your own permanent web page.

Try this:

Place in the search engine box of Google, these keywords........
WeHit  with any of the following words......Wealth health internet technology

   You will find something about my site or me.......  in these positions 

Wehit -
   Google ~ 1st page - position #1, 3, 4 & 6 spot listings
   Bing ~ 1st page - position #1, 2, 3, 4 & 6 spot listings

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Wealth Health Internet Technology -
   Google ~  #1 & #2 spot on pg.1 (out of 23,900,000 results)
   Bing ~  #1 & #2, 3 & 4 spot on pg.1 (out of 34,300,000 results)

I have a web presence for my informational website business.
Could your business use that kind of extra exposure? 

Be presence

See you @ the top,

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Copyright © 2018 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links.

Monday, February 12, 2018

LIFE: Why Are We Here On Earth?


Probably the single most important question humans can ask. Not just to ourselves, but to anyone for everyone.

I have ask myself this very question…….why am I here?

If not for the goals that we set for ourselves. Perhaps, that I have every great intention on providing love, faith, peace & to inspire others. That my quest or my being, would eventually shed some light. 

Isn’t any human being that has faith and dreams of inspiring and serving others why we are here? And do what we do? 

When someone who has been through or seen the worst sides of humans, yet remains strong in all that GOOD stands for. Yet, carries the demons that the world emits. 

Isn't that a part of LIFE

To become strong, stronger.....Would it be unprejudiced for that soul to see that mission through in their lifetime? By virtue of...... Good overcomes evil? 

This is in fact, in part, why we are here!

We must first understand that we as human beings haven’t even evolved enough to remotely understand our true purpose. With that being said, “Mister you seem to know it all!" 

What do you mean……haven’t evolved enough?

See, we’ve built machines that can fly. Ignite fire at will, produce electricity, talk to someone on the other side of the planet and not be connected to any wires or cables. 

Created vehicles that can travel faster than the speed of sound, while others have carried us to nearby planets. Yet, we have not evolved thoroughly !

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Those are but a few of the incredible inventions mankind has manufactured. Giving the enormous imagination and intelligence we humans have shown and gifted with. Subsequently, we have to throw in a few interesting “WTF” are we humans doing events.

We have a intelligence like none other on this planet. Capable of  love, thinking, to comprehend, to feel compassion and common sense. Still, with the knowledge that “LIFE” itself is it's most ultimate gift bestowed upon us. We humans have not evolved enough to where we do not take it (LIFE) away from someone premeditatedly!

Mankind, for nothing more than material wealth, power or brief fame. Will selfishly terminate a human life soul. And has gone as far as to eliminate entire life forms (endangered & extincted species & plants), even races from their own society. Inventing weapons of mass destruction. We continue to knowingly deplete or contaminate the very world that sustains our well being. 
The Crusade, WW1, The 1932 Holodomor, Hitler's holocaust, WW2, Hiroshima, Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, Nanking massacre or the countless tribal cleansing that has continued in the nation of Africa for centuries.

That’s just genocides, what about sex traffic, modern day slavery, child pornography or knowingly allowing extinction of species of every kind.
While the development of all that is good in modern industries, also has created a back draft. We simply have not matured along side technology.  Meaning, we have constructed machinery that can out pace our own abilities. Robots and systems that can out think our own capabilities.  No, humans have not educed enough to conceive our destiny here on earth.

We humans have forgotten that the true miracle, is LIFE itself, thereby to answer why we are here falls deeply into one trivial classification.........LIVING!

I do however, speculate that IF we ever to evolve before we extinguish the last soul, that we would come to find smartly so, that we were ONLY just a small piece of a much bigger picture.

Yes, there is a more complex version to this narrative. But, remember we are NOT intelligently ample to realize that “Everything happens for a reason”.

As humans tend to think we are the only being in the universe. Life is constantly adapting so that bigger picture is fulfilled.

This destiny that remains to be conquered, will have it’s pieces rearranged many times till it completes the picture as a whole. For now, love and understanding of our true purpose as people must be elevated to it’s most highest level of acceptance.

When we achieve that degree of humanity……..well, we would grasp, we’re here for life and it’s positive energy!
Not material elements nor destruction.

To be perfectly honest, really simple. Especially, in these modern times. WE humans just make it  (allow it to be) complicated!

Have You Created Your Life's Value? Your True Destiny?

Just saying,

Andrew "1stPeacemaker" Hayes

Unleash Your Greatness - 100 Day Challenge

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Copyright © 2018 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

D.W.W.D. - Do What the Wealthy Do ~ Why They Succeed!

Photo by Olo Eletu 

Anything worthwhile in life is ever free nor easy! Making money, going after goals and even planning your next vacation. All require's just how the world works. 
WORK, being the keyword here. Some will shed blood, sweat & tears. Others will simply work smarter.

Many of people over the years have tried to short cut, scheme, steal their way into financial freedom. One things is for sure........many have found that in the end, it all catches up with them evenually.

As I research to procure the path to my own prosperity. When it comes to building wealth, I have come across about a dozen traits that stand out. These characteristics are common among the very successful in our society. And it should cause all that aim to succeed to take notice on how the rich build wealth and obtain success in life.

There's been a long standing motto in the entrepreneur what your mentor does or take what the person you admire does and simple do what they do.  In our case, we are studying wealth building.......


1) Wealth accumulation or wealth building is purely about your mindset.

Mindset - To establish a set of perspectives within ones thought process.

The mind must be focus in a positive yet passion mentality. Your mindset is not an anchored entity. It must be nourished and developed. This stimulates actions like motivation & productivity. 

Wealthy people also have a leadership mindset. They only follow when they are learning. That learning turns into knowledge that transforms into wisdom. This mindset creates efficient leaders. And great leaders produce results.

In short, train your brain for complete success in the task at hand. 

Excellence is a Choice Video - 100 Day Challenge2) Know where you want to go! 
When you find your path, you must ignore fear. You need to have the courage to risk mistakes. But once you are on that road... run, run, run, and don't stop til you've reached its end.” 
José N. Harris

Direction is important!

You must first know or at least understand where & why you want to go.

You don't generally step out your door, jump in car or on your bike and then travel aimlessly. You have a set place where you want to end up at. Plus, why you wanted to go there!

This is as well in wealth you want to make an extra $500.00 a month? Is the goal $5,000.00 per month? Do you want assets of a million dollar by age of 40?

Define specific amounts and times, then plan to arrive at that destination!

If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life.” Israelmore Ayivor

3) Live life on your terms 

How does living life on your terms relates to wealth building?

To begin with a lot of us baby-boomers were raised up with the notion that if you go to school/college, get a great job, work your way up the corporate ladder. All would lead to this awesome life. Well, reality is, it isn't a pretty ride. Often times, we are sucked into an anomaly where that J.O.B becomes Just Over Broke!

2nd Quarter Video - 100 Day Challenge Car notes, house payments, student loans, bills bills and more bills. Before you know it your 40/50 years old and retirement is closing in fast. Where did all the years go? What happened to those dreams of travel, fine wines & epic adventures?

Live life on your terms means living the life that you were truly meant to live. It's is your biggest motivator. It should always inspire you to improve the quality of your life. Our life shouldn't be dictated by someone else time clock. 

Life is meant to be lived. With quality time with family and friends. Travels, hobbies and a sense of accomplishments. Financial freedom provides that type of lifestyle. 

Yes, live life on your terms! 

4) Read, that's right read! 

Every person worth more than a million $$$.....reads.

Not only is this a fact, they contribute their success to reading, a lot of reading.

"That's how knowledge works," Warren Buffett told an investment class at Columbia University. "It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it."

"Books were my path to personal freedom," Oprah Winfrey once said. "I learned to read at age 3 and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi."

Reading increases knowledge, knowledge allows them to see opportunities. Reading improves their business sense, vocabulary, imagination, memory & creativity. Keeping them ahead of their competition. It also helps lower stress, while pushing you towards your goals. 

READ     READ      READ..........!

5) Don't make excuses

Another interesting trait of successful people.......they make no excuses. 

Excuses are just lies wrapped up neatly in reasons. As with any successful person, there will be failure. With a excellent leader they except responsibility. Great leadership except blame, then find ways for improvement.

"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." ~ George Washington Carver

6) Invest 

Investing is not a savings account. Investing is having your money work for you over a period of time.

Investments creates wealth, just ask Warren Buffett. Mr. Buffett, one of America's wealthiest citizen with an estimated $76 Billion worth. Did so by investing, he give us these snippets........

"Long ago, Ben Graham taught me that 'Price is what you pay; value is what you get.' Whether we're talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down."
"If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes. Put together a portfolio of companies whose aggregate earnings march upward over the years, and so also will the portfolio's market value."
  "Successful Investing takes time, discipline and patience. No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant."

Investing is a great way to beat inflation, much better than your ordinary saving account.

Invest in stocks, over say bonds, simply because over time they usually perform better and is your best shot at the highest returns.

Property investments have also proven to be fruitful for many of the successful.

Having a balanced diversified portfolio will create a higher yields while minimizing risks.

Last but not least,
An educated investor can help you reach your financial goals. The stock market has compounded wealth over the long term.  And has historically doubled every 10 years.

 Think long-term!

7) Triple D's

Stay focus now, get your mind out the gutter. 

D.D.D stands for Don't Do Debt! Your biggest obstacle towards wealth building is debt. Eliminated it at all cost. If you can't pay for it in cash..........then you can't afford it!

No further explanation needed! 

8) Eliminate self gratification

An important mindset that is tied in with D.D.D., is self-gratification. The indulgence or satisfaction of one's own desires. 

You want it now, but you'll pay for it later. This is also a wealth building killer. Including myself, many many people remain in debt because of the urge to have it now. 

Practice delayed gratification, or deferred gratification, the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate satisfaction and wait for a later reward. 

Save that $5 today, have $5 next month.
Don't buy that flat screen now on your credit card @ $2,000.00 with principles over two years. Save for one year, buy the new improved model for $900.00 next year.
Invest that $1100.00!

9) Seek prosperity, abundance

Money is actually everywhere, even in bad economic times, money is out there. It's circulating some where. I was reading somewhere or heard this at a seminar. And remember this example about money: 

Take an item, sale it to someone. Now there are two situations going on here right now. 

Person 1) has money to buy or paid something. 
Person 2) has something to sale.

P1) now buys or pays for a product or service somewhere. This payment has now transferred between 3 people.

P2) decides to sale that item for a profit. P2) now has a payment (money) and has put a product back into circulation. 

That money is doing nothing but circulating.

I have always said to myself.....all I want to do is get caught up in that whirlpool of money. It's my version of the rich get richer. (I wrote in an earlier article......don't hate on the hustle who flips his profits.)

Think BIG, Dream BIG.......Do BIG things!  

10) Figure out a NEED then FULFILL it.

One way to build wealth is to create an income. We do this by starting that chain reaction mentioned above. Sale something that someone wants and supply it to them. 

Supply and demand, it's been done for centuries. Provide a better product, an improved service or simply offer an outstanding value.

Find a need and fill it.   ~ Ruth Stafford Peale

11)  Associate with those you want to be like

If you wanted to become a baseball player, would you spend your day around people who build cars all day? Your interest is flying airplane, why would you read books about sail boats? Have you every seen a drug addict hanging around a fitness junkie? It's kind of easy to understand the simplicity of this.

You are a product of your environment. I believe it was Jim Rohn that said it best........
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
It will be that surrounding that will shape who you are and what you'll be come.

"It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction." ~ Warren Buffet
Successful wealthy people always have MENTORS!

12) GIVE back

You go to church, you know about tithe. Which means “10% of your earnings to your church,” yet in the Old Testament, it actually was 10% paid twice a year (20%) of your crop or cattle to the land of Israel. Just a little biblical knowledge

 All the same, giving back has many benefit and gratification.

This is be a conscious decision. Yet, giving is a spiritual being. Those that give back find that it does come back to them in some form.

 As in tithe, when you give 10%, you are likely to receive even more back. Is this a scientific fact or simply the law of attraction? 

There are however, tax-benefits as well. In most cases, one can deduct anywhere from 30% - 50% of your adjusted gross income in charitable contributions.  

At the end of the's a great feeling, so give when you can ðŸ˜‰

The Importance Of How You Execute the First 100 Days

To the best year ever,
Andrew Hayes

Goals We Get - 100 Day Challenge


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All the best in 2018,
Andrew Hayes


Copyright © 2018 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links.