Showing posts with label disruptive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label disruptive. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2018

Investing: No better Time Than The Present!

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Look, money can be funny. 

Not having enough of it or none at all isn't the slightest bit tickling. Yet, we play with it everyday just to discard it as soon as the next shiny object appears. Take it from me, you just don't want to keep working your butt off everyday and then having nothing to show for it when you no long can work your butt off!

If you are a baby-boomer, you've undoubtedly heard these old wise words...... 

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"Work hard, save your money" 

Or how about,

 “When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you $5, it does not matter how much harder you work, the most you will make is $5.” ~ that one is by Idowu Koyenikan.

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If you are a millennial, you may be tech savvy and all, yet, the way you deal with savings, debts & retirement is still just as common and related as it was a generation before the baby-boomers.

Both these quotes have a relationship and a dissolution about them. 

Yes, you can work hard and save, while the amount you save, is all that gets saved! No matter how hard you work.

When we are younger, the world seems endless, our future.....immortal. We rack up school/student loans and credit card debts. Cars and other notes, on the firm belief that it will get paid off in the future. Not really concern about the repayment till near it's due date. In those days, we were in fact, simply living for only the next day.

Before you know it, you've got a wife or husband, a couple of awesome kids, a house & car note. All the while, that credit card & student loan is not only still there, it hasn't shrunk. In fact, because of the family and all that comes with it, that credit card has also multiplied. And the debt owed on them alone eats up a nice chunk of income monthly. 

And yet, we haven't even gotten to the savings part. First, take a look at a previous post on "Accumulate wealth, eliminate debt".

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Then saving and investing becomes your stairway to financial security.

As I mentioned in this earlier post, saving isn't really doing much for you except baby-sitting your money till you decide on some new shiny toy to purchase or withdraw it just to pay on another debt. 

Once there is a clear understanding that as long as you "owe someone", you'll never truly become financially independent nor wealthy.

Those of us who haven't giving up on dreams, goals or that bucket-list. Understand that we have to step-up our game. Money doesn't grow on trees yet it can grow. Money does make the world go round. And we need more of it just to see some of it.   

Now millennial's, because they are born into this new world of technology, computers, smartphones & apps, they have a slight edge. Baby-boomers & retirees may have to overcome some learning curves. Yet, we are in an era, that really does offer anyone with the patience & willingness to succeed an opportunity to grow their income substantially no matter what you have to start with.

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With that being said, it is this technology, that is offering these opportunities. Which is as I mention earlier, why the millennial's have a slight advantage over say, senior citizens. 

Through these technologies, we put our money into, so as to see our own money grow out of it. 

In the financial world, they call it "Investing" with the dictionary explaining it as follows.

"Expend money with the expectation of achieving a profit or material result by putting it into financial schemes, shares, or property, or by using it to develop a commercial venture."

Investing - allows you to have your money work for you. As we get older, (not old), just older. Working smarter is just common sense than trying to keep working harder. I believe that we are not here just to work, pay bills than die. No, no, no.........!

Investing allows for compound interest. Over time and long term planning, the stock markets have consistently rose. Offering a much better returns for your dollar. Tax advantages, exciting while contributing to your favorite product, business or ventures. All these plus, you can make investing profitable, fun & worthwhile.  

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Why is investing now as good or even better as any other time in history?

If we talk about a long term investment strategies......say 10, 15 or 25 years from now. We are not just talking about retirees but, the millennial's for the next 15 - 25 years.

Using compound interest, if you were to take $5,000.00 and invest it into a stock, adding $100 per month for the next 15 years. Having a broker or you manage that investment for a mere 10% per month return rate. At the end of 15yrs, that initial $5,000.00 plus $100.00/month investment would now become $64,070. ($23,000 on principal & $41,070 in interest).

Not to complicate things to much, yet, one can tap into a little day trading or swing trading and that 10% monthly return rate would increase that percentage.

Now that's just a small investment and just a little effort to manage a 10% monthly yield. The right product or company pick could dramatically increase your chances of turning that initial investment into something super crazy.

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Which brings me to....."No better time than the present"

There are industries and products set forth today for tomorrow, that are truly what are called "disruptive technology".  You know some of yesteryear's disruptive techs like personal computers that disrupted the typewriter, Email disrupted the mail system, cellphone disrupted the landline telephone network, laptops disrupted the personal computer, smartphone disrupted all above and alternative energy is disrupting the fossil fuel industry. 

The companies that support & produce these future products are going to make ordinary people, not just wealthy, yet, multi-millionaires and even billionaires in the long run. All simply because they took time to learn how to invest, paying attention to trends and take action.

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POST  ~  D.W.W.D. Do What the Wealthy Do exactly where we are today. Just to name a few disruptive products starting with the international fiat currency system being disrupted by Blockchain technology, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies,  atlcoins & tokens. 

The pharmaceutical and alcohol companies are being disrupted by the Marijuana/cannabis/cannabidiol evolution.

Renewable & clean energy, Drone technology (UAV) or (AI) Artificial Intelligence are just a gleams into the future markets.

So yeah........Learn to invest now. Better late than never. If you didn't know, someone just informed you. 


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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Big Debate: Will (BITCOIN) Replace Our Current FIAT Monetary System?


Here's a coin, there's a coin. Everywhere a coin coin....... 

Bitcoin, Altcoin, Litecoin, Swiftcoin, Peercoin, Mazacoin, Potcoin, Titcoin, Vertcoin, Blackcoin, Primecoin, Emercoin, Dogecoin & even Namecoin.  

   With some 1100+ altcoin on the market as of November 15, 2017. The term cryptocurrency is no longer just a buzz word anymore. These coins, which is funny, cause their not really coins. More so digital currencies have taken the financial world by storm. 

   In the Internet Of Things (IOT), technology has moved forward in such a manner that it is now within humanities grasp. To envision a society where global commerce can truly be expressed independent of centralized banks or third party entities.   

  What was once barely a blimp on few industries radar just some 5 yrs ago, has now flip the movers & shakers of the world into a frenzy. Many are split on it's significance and future. All the while, stirring up extensive considerations. 

So the debate is up!

   Are these cryptocurrencies here to stay? Are they just disruptive commodities within the financial sector? Is the Bitcoin value in a bubble? Or has society create a multitude of future billionaires & millionaires?

   Some of the world most influential personalities have weighted in on this very topic as well. 

Take for instance, 

  During an interview with CNBC at eMerge Miami, Apple's co-founder Steve Wozniak  I remember getting interested in bitcoin some time ago," Wozniak said. It was $70 for a bitcoin, I went online and you had to have a special bank account at a special bank and I couldn't buy any bitcoin so I gave up. Eventually I got some of them at the $700 stage and it went down to $350. I didn't invest, I did it so I could play with bitcoin.
   Or Jamie Dimon, CEO of JP Morgan who provoked an immense firestorm after his statement on Sept. 12th 2017.  Saying that cryptocurrency is a fraud. It's just not a real thing, eventually it will be closedat a conference held by CNBC and Institutional Investor.

Michael Novogratz - Billionaire investor, former hedge fund manager at Fortress Investment Group. Said Bitcoin is a bubble. But, should own it.  He also predicts by the end of 2018, Bitcoin will be valued at $20,000.

   On June 26, 2014 Actor/Investor Ashton Kutcher tweeted Bitcoin......sort of like internet in the 80s.Again around Jan. 28, 2016 during the elections Ashton tweeted to his followers Why do I get the feeling that the best hedge against a Sanders or Trump nomination may be buying bitcoin?

Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates revealed an interesting take on the cryptocurrency. In 2014, in an interview with Erik Schatzker of Bloomberg's Smart Street TV show. Gates is quoted as saying,
Bitcoin is exciting because it shows how cheap it can be”  Bitcoin is better than currency in that you don’t have to be physically in the same place and, of course, for large transactions, currency can get pretty inconvenient.

   Robert Shiller, the Nobel-prize winning Yale economist who predicted the 1999 dotcom & 2006 housing boom. Was asked by Quartz - an online news media what was the best example of a speculative bubble. Shiller replied, “The best example right now is Bitcoin. And I think that has to do with the motivating quality of the Bitcoin story. And I’ve seen it in my students at Yale. You start talking about bitcoin and they’re excited!

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   Sentiments like these have developed worldwide. First, there is uncertainty due to the fact that this is something new. Change is always apprehensive. When a small group of individuals set out to disrupt the status quo, there will be feathers to ruffle.

What are the disruptive issues that cryptocurrency bring forth?

  • Decentralized banking - No third parties involved
  • Accountability - Regulations
  • Business as usual - Those relying on physical currency for payment....child-care, odd & end (under the table) jobs etc.,

Pros - Massive returns, protection from payment fraud, transactions cannot be reversed, limiting identity theft, industry growth, short-term gains, liquidity, lower fees, instant payment 

Cons - Huge volatility, hacking, dips cause by hard fork, network speed/stalls, infancy - growing pains, anonymous use for illegal activities as in Silk Road, high risk loss, lack of security, lack of regulations, scaling issues. 

   As mentioned, Bitcoin as well as the Blockchain technology are in it's early development phase. Once the world continues it's integration, as more and more businesses/commerce except this form of payment into society. The evolution of our current fiat system is in fact inevitable. Maybe not so much in the next 3-5 years. Yet, don't be surprised that within 5-10 years a vast percentage of our planet has accepted cryptocurrency.   

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.

What 's your  opinion? Yay or Nay on digital currency? 

Are you invested? 

Do you plan on investing in cryptocurrency in the future? 

   Whether you are a fan of Bitcoin or maybe not so enthusiastic about these altcoins. The consensus seems to lean toward a continued interest and cultivation in these currencies. A least through the near future. 

Watch out for a Bitcoin Accepted Here sign near you!

Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved

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