Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2018

LIFE: Why Are We Here On Earth?


Probably the single most important question humans can ask. Not just to ourselves, but to anyone for everyone.

I have ask myself this very question…….why am I here?

If not for the goals that we set for ourselves. Perhaps, that I have every great intention on providing love, faith, peace & to inspire others. That my quest or my being, would eventually shed some light. 

Isn’t any human being that has faith and dreams of inspiring and serving others why we are here? And do what we do? 

When someone who has been through or seen the worst sides of humans, yet remains strong in all that GOOD stands for. Yet, carries the demons that the world emits. 

Isn't that a part of LIFE

To become strong, stronger.....Would it be unprejudiced for that soul to see that mission through in their lifetime? By virtue of...... Good overcomes evil? 

This is in fact, in part, why we are here!

We must first understand that we as human beings haven’t even evolved enough to remotely understand our true purpose. With that being said, “Mister you seem to know it all!" 

What do you mean……haven’t evolved enough?

See, we’ve built machines that can fly. Ignite fire at will, produce electricity, talk to someone on the other side of the planet and not be connected to any wires or cables. 

Created vehicles that can travel faster than the speed of sound, while others have carried us to nearby planets. Yet, we have not evolved thoroughly !

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Those are but a few of the incredible inventions mankind has manufactured. Giving the enormous imagination and intelligence we humans have shown and gifted with. Subsequently, we have to throw in a few interesting “WTF” are we humans doing events.

We have a intelligence like none other on this planet. Capable of  love, thinking, to comprehend, to feel compassion and common sense. Still, with the knowledge that “LIFE” itself is it's most ultimate gift bestowed upon us. We humans have not evolved enough to where we do not take it (LIFE) away from someone premeditatedly!

Mankind, for nothing more than material wealth, power or brief fame. Will selfishly terminate a human life soul. And has gone as far as to eliminate entire life forms (endangered & extincted species & plants), even races from their own society. Inventing weapons of mass destruction. We continue to knowingly deplete or contaminate the very world that sustains our well being. 
The Crusade, WW1, The 1932 Holodomor, Hitler's holocaust, WW2, Hiroshima, Khmer Rouge of Cambodia, Nanking massacre or the countless tribal cleansing that has continued in the nation of Africa for centuries.

That’s just genocides, what about sex traffic, modern day slavery, child pornography or knowingly allowing extinction of species of every kind.
While the development of all that is good in modern industries, also has created a back draft. We simply have not matured along side technology.  Meaning, we have constructed machinery that can out pace our own abilities. Robots and systems that can out think our own capabilities.  No, humans have not educed enough to conceive our destiny here on earth.

We humans have forgotten that the true miracle, is LIFE itself, thereby to answer why we are here falls deeply into one trivial classification.........LIVING!

I do however, speculate that IF we ever to evolve before we extinguish the last soul, that we would come to find smartly so, that we were ONLY just a small piece of a much bigger picture.

Yes, there is a more complex version to this narrative. But, remember we are NOT intelligently ample to realize that “Everything happens for a reason”.

As humans tend to think we are the only being in the universe. Life is constantly adapting so that bigger picture is fulfilled.

This destiny that remains to be conquered, will have it’s pieces rearranged many times till it completes the picture as a whole. For now, love and understanding of our true purpose as people must be elevated to it’s most highest level of acceptance.

When we achieve that degree of humanity……..well, we would grasp, we’re here for life and it’s positive energy!
Not material elements nor destruction.

To be perfectly honest, really simple. Especially, in these modern times. WE humans just make it  (allow it to be) complicated!

Have You Created Your Life's Value? Your True Destiny?

Just saying,

Andrew "1stPeacemaker" Hayes

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Copyright © 2018 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
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Friday, October 20, 2017

When An Alternative Means Of Income Exist

 DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.
Modern Hi-tech representing wealth in the digital world

  There continues to be an honest alternative courses of action when it comes to earning an extra income online & off. We are going to focus on technology based internet of things.  

   In this ever so technological enhanced world we now live in. Using our computers/smartphones/mobile devices to generate an additional income stream can become a reality with some due diligence. Part of this reality is that utilizing these advances are just down right essential. Baby boomers who have been retiring by the thousands since 2011.  Are among the 76 million of us that will be (retiring) at some time or another over the next 14 years. 

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 Social security will simply not fulfill your needs for a comfortable lifestyle, especially one deserved after years on the grind. Maybe it was a lack of financial supplement strategy that failed to adequately build a sizable nest egg.  Look, age is nothing but an number. There is always hope. Simply, become pro-active, get involved, and utilize what is available in your life today.

We are entitled to a most beautiful life in our gold years.
"Let's NOT become technology illiterate"

   We are bombarded everyday with all sorts of so-called opportunities. To be honest, it's calculated that within the industrialized countries, humans are exposed to anywhere from 4,000 to well over 10,000 advertisements per day.  A good portion of these ads are indeed, work, income opts. 

   All in the form of pop-ups, emails invites, social media outlet etc. Despite most of these get rich quick programs being worthless. There are oodles of legit home/internet based work and investment opportunities that operate within a trusted online business model. 

Persons working together success

   These business model are not schemes, their only true fault or misinterpretation is they require effort. Nothing worthwhile in life is EVER going to come to you free or easy! We ALL should know this by now. Once you understand that statement........searching for a way to add income into your life stream will eliminate 3/4 of those seemingly quick ways to get $$$ opportunities.

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You could start a physical "Brick & mortar business".

   This was how it was done for decades. Yet, I like to believe and understand that retirement was meant for us not to be working harder but smarter and of course LIVE LIFE. Not saying that opening up a physical store is awful. Or that easy living is a most.....a little hard work & elbow grease NEVER hurt anyone. Beside, the true spirit of to do what you have a passion for. Remember, if we are doing work after we are retired, it best be something we want to do.

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” ~ Confucius

   I  just want to make aware that there are other passages one can take to achieve goals &  make extra income.  It comes in the form of technologies in computers, mobile devices and most importantly................our smartphones!

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   See, what really happen a few decades back. This tech stuff was really here to help us baby boomers along. Isn't it the debt repaid for our many sacrifices so that our children could live a bit better life. 

   I see some truth within them there sentences. I see that our younger generation has taken to these mobile tech devices with ease. They have had the opportunity (time) to exercise their handle of these new devices, while we boomers were out working to make sure our children & grandchildren could have said technology. 

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   Remember this one true fact millennials, it was the baby boomer generation that set the stage & help built your devices you are so comfortable using. While you were playing and grew into them. We boomers could only master them in our spare time. Please do not get us twisted..... we are NOT old, just older!

   With that being said, I think it's time that we boomers put in the effort to grasp the benefits of all this available technology.

   The benefits of using the internet as a financial tool is that it could add substantially to your financial nest-egg.

   It will however take "WORK" & due diligence!

Group of older generation baby boomers enjoying life

   Many of the "baby boomers", yet not exclusively......our younger generation are finding it equally as difficult to save for a "Nest-egg".  Living the short term financial lifestyle (work, spend & try saving here and there), thinking  that is a secure enough path.  

   When corporate greed, world events, down-sizing etc. intervened. Where we once thought our "so-called privileged" (j.o.b. Just Over Broke) lifestyle would sustain. Yet, that thinking/planning did not include retirement.

So what happens now when you no longer attached to the workplace????

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We.h.i.t. aka WEalth Health using Internet Technology mission will provide a little insight into a world of positive future growth in our lifestyle, wealth management & health. 

Ongoing discussions to include yet not limited to......
  • Investments & investment strategies
  • Eliminating debt
  • Making healthy/healthier lifestyle choices
  • Capitalizing on emerging technologies
  • Ways to give back, WE are still useful

   I hope that I can inspire, motivate & be a positive force in our connection. This popular saying below speaks for itself.........

We don't meet people by accident they are meant to cross our path for a reason

Please feel free to network, connect & interact. Comments & suggestion welcomed.

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Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.