Showing posts with label entrepreneur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label entrepreneur. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Reprint 2010: Some REAL TALK (facts) About MLM...... Why Its Tough To Really Make Good Money!

Reprint from June 2010, 

Years before this original print, I started this journey to work from home. I saw the potential a computer & Internet access could have. 

My youngest son was just born. Shortly thereafter, became a single parent Dad. I was even more determined to succeed in this world of Network marketing/MLM (Multi-level-marketing). My passion was there, my "WHY" on point (my child). And as desktops became laptop then tablets. I could picture me at my sons practice or games and not missing a beat when it came to answering messages, working on my latest website/blog or promo, seeing in real time new orders or welcoming new clients. 

Yet, even with some success, a few dollars in my pocket here and there. This never quit mentality, that complete picture just seem to eluded me. 

See it's not that success couldn't be achieved, there are handfuls of very successful marketer in MLM. Then are those that keep a few dollars in the bank and the rest, well......the rest, live to fight another day.

Several things I have learned along side this print.......

1) You really do need an outstanding product or service
2) You will need to put in work, lots of work.
3) Some companies will fold.
4) There are no over-night successes.....Don't believe the hype!
5) Life events will have their way.

See if any of what I wrote back then applies to your business mentality today. Enjoy my flashback in MLM.

Goals We Get - 100 Day Challenge

 02/08/2018 Market Summary

Market Quotes by TradingView

Ask yourself this question (particularly if you have been working with MLM)......

  • What is the average time your clients STAY with your business?
  • Are you constantly, replacing clients that dropped out with NEW ones?

   I know there are die-hard MLM fans out there, but really, there is a disturbing truth behind this question! And many folks involved in this industry.....know the truth!

Andrew D Hayes, Basic Author

   In my last entry, I talked about the worth of working from home as an Internet marketer. One word that should stand out is "EFFORT". There are many reason why people fail in this industry.....lack of effort is only one of them.

   Why, because most people are "recruited" under the pretense that to make a lot of money, it only require a few hours of work. After a few attempts, a few hours "effort" with little response they are ready to throw in the towel. But MLM type companies have many other issues as well.

   Before I begin this article, let me be perfectly clear. This is not an attempt to undermine or put down MLM as a home based business opportunity. I have (in the past) marketed some MLM companies and would most likely (under the right conditions) market some in the future.

*These participation usually pertain to products or services that will benefit your online business!*

Keywords being an actual product and/or service (to an end user)!

TIP: See, what a few marketer in this industry do not understand is that many of the techniques, products & services use to promote MLM type businesses can also be use to build other types of legitimate online business.

   However, there are some real facts based on a number of years that I have spent....dealing with, participating in & research of MLM companies over those years.

Once again, this is not an blog that is meant to degrade MLM, but as an aid to those who maybe looking into  or wondering why they are not succeeding in their MLM type business.

   Let's start, over the years, they are people who have made plenty of money in MLM companies. Truth is, the basis of MLM structure is that of traditional business model. A typical corporation will have a CEO or President at the top, then their directors, the directors have their managers, and the managers have their supervisors, and the supervisors have their foreman's who have workers that do the work!

   The structure of MLM is at it's basic.... build upon this platform.  I'm not here to discuss in-depth MLM structure. Whether, the inherent facts that are embedded in every MLM!

Some real talk when it comes to marketing MLM companies.

In my first months of marketing online as a real business, meaning that even though I had done some direct sales marketing in the early 90's. I was still wet behind the ears when I became interested in internet marketing.  (After some research), I understood that money could be make with hard work & effort. See, there were certain aspect of direct sales marketing that taught me much about MLM type business to that point!

TIP>>> Truely, one really simple fact.......You will have a much higher success rate (% wise) when you have an actually product or service to sale to an end user.....a customer!

Even with that wisdom in mind, I began using the training, paying for online/offline advertising, buying leads trying to convince prospects to join or stay in  my businesses. 

Clients would just drop-out for any reason......I've heard so many different excuses (which is really what they were, excuses).

The income from commissions was still less than my R.O.I. (Return On Investment). I was truthful in my presentations, careful not to hype products or services excessively ( I'm turned off by this types of tactics of advertising myself), willing to build relationships etc., yet I kept losing my clients. The harder I seemed to work didn't seem to stop my rollercoaster ride in building my MLM business.

There is a reason for this.

Now this was a few years ago. I've seeked, explored & have learned so much since then!

Nowadays, there are 2-3 times more of these MLM type businesses and more every month.

Seriously, the odds for an individual to achieve financial success is against them straight out the gate.

For one, MLM are not defined nor regulated like say, franchises (McDonalds, Subways etc.,) are. MLMs can be established without federal or state approval. There are no federal law specifically against MLM with many of them in fact, being nothing more than pyramid schemes in disguise. Not all but many are floating around out there!

MLM, just like pyramid schemes, generate income from those continuous influx of new distributors at the bottom that goes straight to the top and that profits those in top level positions & their sponsoring corporations.

Fact ~ one the largest MLM, Amway, of all distributors they only produce 1/2 of 1% of basic "direct" distributor level, with an average income from those Amway distributors being about $40 a month. Where do you think ALL of that revenue from the other 99 1/2% went too???

And think about this, you are likely to find these businesses, at one point will claim that there are X amount of people enrolled in their business. Usually some number in the thousands, of other distributors who are making money just like you.


Which brings upon another fact......

Market saturation! The simple fact is that even the most successful products will have only partial market penetration.

Huh???  LOOK......not everyone will buy, say, a PS3 (Playstation3), some will buy the Xbox! Not everyone will buy a GMC car some will buy Toyota.

Yet, these MLM companies have 10's of thousands of distributors. Is there a cut-off  point when enough sales people are hired? In a traditional business, there is someone that says, "OK, we have enough, let's stop hiring people at this point." But in most MLM, there is no way to do this. Or they don't do this. And your MLM company continues to saturate the market. Out of control by design, this will eat up the lower level distributors money, time, credibility, and entrepreneurial energy of well-meaningful people who joined trying to find other distributors.

Some of these businesses are primarily in the business to continuously enroll distributors with little focus on products or services retailed towards consumers (an end user). Unless, of course, it benefit the company. Things like leads generation programs, auto responders, splashpages etc., 

(Which again does what.......benefit top level participants).

   BIGGEST mis-conception about MLM is it can be done  in your spare time. As a business, it offers the greatest flexibility and personal freedom of time. A few hours a week can earn a significant supplemental income and may grow to a very large income making other work unnecessary.

Come on, now really.......I understand this business of advertising.

Example: You go to one of these fast food joints, We look at the menu, and boy those pictures makes you want to eat the menu. When ever, has your burger sandwich or meal ever come to you looking like it does on the menu? So yes, there is always a bit of hype (exaggeration) in advertising, commercials. This is or has been reasonably except-able. MLM companies or their distributors on the other hand, sometime really do over do it. Many times bordering false advertising. Which is almost always cover by the fine printdisclaimers!

   Decades of experience involving millions of people have proven that successful entrepreneurs who make even a reasonable amount of return on their investment ~ requires extraordinary time, commitment as well as hard work, effort & persistence.

Which is WHY people drop out of they're respective business.

   It’s sad that 95-99% of all home businesses (mlm and network marketing) fail to produce a substantial income (if any income at all). And this is well documented. The remaining 5% are considered to be the home business or internet “guru’s” that make ALL THE MONEY! 

The average income for those that do make an income is $5000.00 per yr. The top 2 sales group are Health & Wellness & Services.

Top level participants

Most people begin and end their MLM career only talking to a few family members and friends. That is the extent of their lead generation, their marketing campaign. Their effort to run a business. Clearly, any serious network marketer or business owner cannot build a sustainable income like this.

   Truth is these guru's can claim they built their massive organization nearly over night, however, it took them years of building teams through affiliations with numerous other MLM companies. After years of building relationships with hundreds or thousands of distributors, these top producer can switch companies, contact their down-line (list)....... and have what seems like an overnight success.

   Choosing the wrong product, a weak compensation plan, the wrong team or the wrong lead generation system are other reasons you will fail in this MLM and network marketing arena.

   Strategic planning, organizing and goal setting are all a major parts of running a successful business, whether at home or in a traditional brick & mortar business.

The exact nature of your internet marketing activity will depend on the following things:

   - What do you want to achieve?

   - How you are going to achieve it?
   - How much you are willing to invest?
   - Are you willing to dig in and work hard towards your goal/dream?

TIP>>> Understand that most home business entrepreneur and network marketers are ALREADY in business for themselves. They already have a business opportunity, or affiliate program, and don’t want to hear about yours. So don't spend alot of time or effort in that direction!

(Don't believe or understand this statement.....take a look at your inbox of your email, social networking etc.,)

How many opportunities do you pass up?

   Ok, the question at the beginning of this entry "What is the average time your clients STAY with your business?"

   After an intense research...... There seems to be no actual hard data, giving the nature of many MLM business over the last decade. With no real state or federal regulations in place and many company's being fly-by-night operations. True data can only be calculated through numbers provided to the IRA by up-front companies who reps are required to provide their social security number for tax purposes.

 * Roughly 70-75% of new start-up MLM companies fold after the first year
    * Nearly  60% of sign-ups to an online business cancel after the 1st month
                 * Nearly 80-85% after the 3rd month                                                        
   Again, many many MLM. network marketer understand that there is a very high turn-over ratio in this industry. Granted that you have been networking for a little bit, it is easy to see.

I know I  do.

Visit these sites for some interesting topics on MLM

   Hope that you find this piece, of value to your online endeavors. Also remember to really focus on the basic of marketing online. When you take care and have a solid foundation of the essential working of marketing online. Many of the pitfalls can be avoided.

   Find your own groove or niche, that is how a true entrepreneurs succeeds. Don't just think outside the box.........Get rid of the box all together. If you need and want to work successfully from home/online you've got to be willing to adjust, work hard and stay informed.



 Powur Clean Solar Energy Home Business


Copyright © 2018 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

D.W.W.D. - Do What the Wealthy Do ~ Why They Succeed!

Photo by Olo Eletu 

Anything worthwhile in life is ever free nor easy! Making money, going after goals and even planning your next vacation. All require's just how the world works. 
WORK, being the keyword here. Some will shed blood, sweat & tears. Others will simply work smarter.

Many of people over the years have tried to short cut, scheme, steal their way into financial freedom. One things is for sure........many have found that in the end, it all catches up with them evenually.

As I research to procure the path to my own prosperity. When it comes to building wealth, I have come across about a dozen traits that stand out. These characteristics are common among the very successful in our society. And it should cause all that aim to succeed to take notice on how the rich build wealth and obtain success in life.

There's been a long standing motto in the entrepreneur what your mentor does or take what the person you admire does and simple do what they do.  In our case, we are studying wealth building.......


1) Wealth accumulation or wealth building is purely about your mindset.

Mindset - To establish a set of perspectives within ones thought process.

The mind must be focus in a positive yet passion mentality. Your mindset is not an anchored entity. It must be nourished and developed. This stimulates actions like motivation & productivity. 

Wealthy people also have a leadership mindset. They only follow when they are learning. That learning turns into knowledge that transforms into wisdom. This mindset creates efficient leaders. And great leaders produce results.

In short, train your brain for complete success in the task at hand. 

Excellence is a Choice Video - 100 Day Challenge2) Know where you want to go! 
When you find your path, you must ignore fear. You need to have the courage to risk mistakes. But once you are on that road... run, run, run, and don't stop til you've reached its end.” 
José N. Harris

Direction is important!

You must first know or at least understand where & why you want to go.

You don't generally step out your door, jump in car or on your bike and then travel aimlessly. You have a set place where you want to end up at. Plus, why you wanted to go there!

This is as well in wealth you want to make an extra $500.00 a month? Is the goal $5,000.00 per month? Do you want assets of a million dollar by age of 40?

Define specific amounts and times, then plan to arrive at that destination!

If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life.” Israelmore Ayivor

3) Live life on your terms 

How does living life on your terms relates to wealth building?

To begin with a lot of us baby-boomers were raised up with the notion that if you go to school/college, get a great job, work your way up the corporate ladder. All would lead to this awesome life. Well, reality is, it isn't a pretty ride. Often times, we are sucked into an anomaly where that J.O.B becomes Just Over Broke!

2nd Quarter Video - 100 Day Challenge Car notes, house payments, student loans, bills bills and more bills. Before you know it your 40/50 years old and retirement is closing in fast. Where did all the years go? What happened to those dreams of travel, fine wines & epic adventures?

Live life on your terms means living the life that you were truly meant to live. It's is your biggest motivator. It should always inspire you to improve the quality of your life. Our life shouldn't be dictated by someone else time clock. 

Life is meant to be lived. With quality time with family and friends. Travels, hobbies and a sense of accomplishments. Financial freedom provides that type of lifestyle. 

Yes, live life on your terms! 

4) Read, that's right read! 

Every person worth more than a million $$$.....reads.

Not only is this a fact, they contribute their success to reading, a lot of reading.

"That's how knowledge works," Warren Buffett told an investment class at Columbia University. "It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it."

"Books were my path to personal freedom," Oprah Winfrey once said. "I learned to read at age 3 and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi."

Reading increases knowledge, knowledge allows them to see opportunities. Reading improves their business sense, vocabulary, imagination, memory & creativity. Keeping them ahead of their competition. It also helps lower stress, while pushing you towards your goals. 

READ     READ      READ..........!

5) Don't make excuses

Another interesting trait of successful people.......they make no excuses. 

Excuses are just lies wrapped up neatly in reasons. As with any successful person, there will be failure. With a excellent leader they except responsibility. Great leadership except blame, then find ways for improvement.

"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." ~ George Washington Carver

6) Invest 

Investing is not a savings account. Investing is having your money work for you over a period of time.

Investments creates wealth, just ask Warren Buffett. Mr. Buffett, one of America's wealthiest citizen with an estimated $76 Billion worth. Did so by investing, he give us these snippets........

"Long ago, Ben Graham taught me that 'Price is what you pay; value is what you get.' Whether we're talking about socks or stocks, I like buying quality merchandise when it is marked down."
"If you aren't willing to own a stock for ten years, don't even think about owning it for ten minutes. Put together a portfolio of companies whose aggregate earnings march upward over the years, and so also will the portfolio's market value."
  "Successful Investing takes time, discipline and patience. No matter how great the talent or effort, some things just take time: You can't produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant."

Investing is a great way to beat inflation, much better than your ordinary saving account.

Invest in stocks, over say bonds, simply because over time they usually perform better and is your best shot at the highest returns.

Property investments have also proven to be fruitful for many of the successful.

Having a balanced diversified portfolio will create a higher yields while minimizing risks.

Last but not least,
An educated investor can help you reach your financial goals. The stock market has compounded wealth over the long term.  And has historically doubled every 10 years.

 Think long-term!

7) Triple D's

Stay focus now, get your mind out the gutter. 

D.D.D stands for Don't Do Debt! Your biggest obstacle towards wealth building is debt. Eliminated it at all cost. If you can't pay for it in cash..........then you can't afford it!

No further explanation needed! 

8) Eliminate self gratification

An important mindset that is tied in with D.D.D., is self-gratification. The indulgence or satisfaction of one's own desires. 

You want it now, but you'll pay for it later. This is also a wealth building killer. Including myself, many many people remain in debt because of the urge to have it now. 

Practice delayed gratification, or deferred gratification, the ability to resist the temptation for an immediate satisfaction and wait for a later reward. 

Save that $5 today, have $5 next month.
Don't buy that flat screen now on your credit card @ $2,000.00 with principles over two years. Save for one year, buy the new improved model for $900.00 next year.
Invest that $1100.00!

9) Seek prosperity, abundance

Money is actually everywhere, even in bad economic times, money is out there. It's circulating some where. I was reading somewhere or heard this at a seminar. And remember this example about money: 

Take an item, sale it to someone. Now there are two situations going on here right now. 

Person 1) has money to buy or paid something. 
Person 2) has something to sale.

P1) now buys or pays for a product or service somewhere. This payment has now transferred between 3 people.

P2) decides to sale that item for a profit. P2) now has a payment (money) and has put a product back into circulation. 

That money is doing nothing but circulating.

I have always said to myself.....all I want to do is get caught up in that whirlpool of money. It's my version of the rich get richer. (I wrote in an earlier article......don't hate on the hustle who flips his profits.)

Think BIG, Dream BIG.......Do BIG things!  

10) Figure out a NEED then FULFILL it.

One way to build wealth is to create an income. We do this by starting that chain reaction mentioned above. Sale something that someone wants and supply it to them. 

Supply and demand, it's been done for centuries. Provide a better product, an improved service or simply offer an outstanding value.

Find a need and fill it.   ~ Ruth Stafford Peale

11)  Associate with those you want to be like

If you wanted to become a baseball player, would you spend your day around people who build cars all day? Your interest is flying airplane, why would you read books about sail boats? Have you every seen a drug addict hanging around a fitness junkie? It's kind of easy to understand the simplicity of this.

You are a product of your environment. I believe it was Jim Rohn that said it best........
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
It will be that surrounding that will shape who you are and what you'll be come.

"It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction." ~ Warren Buffet
Successful wealthy people always have MENTORS!

12) GIVE back

You go to church, you know about tithe. Which means “10% of your earnings to your church,” yet in the Old Testament, it actually was 10% paid twice a year (20%) of your crop or cattle to the land of Israel. Just a little biblical knowledge

 All the same, giving back has many benefit and gratification.

This is be a conscious decision. Yet, giving is a spiritual being. Those that give back find that it does come back to them in some form.

 As in tithe, when you give 10%, you are likely to receive even more back. Is this a scientific fact or simply the law of attraction? 

There are however, tax-benefits as well. In most cases, one can deduct anywhere from 30% - 50% of your adjusted gross income in charitable contributions.  

At the end of the's a great feeling, so give when you can ðŸ˜‰

The Importance Of How You Execute the First 100 Days

To the best year ever,
Andrew Hayes

Goals We Get - 100 Day Challenge


Here's a little extra $$$Bonus$$$

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All the best in 2018,
Andrew Hayes


Copyright © 2018 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on links.