Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mobile Tech Smart phones & more.....

Lets talk Smart phones & mobile technology.

First, some basics:
   A cell or mobile phones combined with a mobile operating system equals a smartphone. It is a high-end mobile phone. The "mobile operating system" or (OS) is much the same as the "brains" on your home computer or laptop. Except, you are mobile, wireless! Like.....Google Androids, Apples iOS & Microsoft's Window 7.

   In as simple as it is, your smartphone aka feature phone in a handheld computer. I can assure you of this because I do 80% of my home based business through my smartphone. That includes blogging, socializing (Facebook, Tweeting etc.,)....internet surfing and pretty much everything you do on your home computer/laptop you can do on today's smartphone.

   Your smartphone can wirelessly connecting electronic devices (Wi-fi) examples are portable game systems(PSP, DSi), your laptop. They will take high-quality pictures, have a Global Positioning System (GPS) and a feature I truely love is the Touch Screen

   Yes, today's technology has allowed more computing in your handheld phone than that was in our first Mercury mission into space.

 Remember Dick Tracy's radio wristwatch......I know, I'm showing my age but it is absolutely amazing what these phones are capable of........
......Movies & TV shows can be fully watched in amazing clarity (HD -High Definition), listen to thousands of radio stations from around the world. lets, not forget that you can send e-mails, write on your blog, build websites........and run a complete internet business.

 Are you up to date? Is your phone all that it can be?

With a reported 50 million people in the USA alone owning a smartphone as of 2011. Keeping up on the advances is a most. Hope this helps clear up some of that. I remember once being told back in the day when I was selling desktop personal computers(PC), that if i didn't keep up learning about the advancements in PCs. I would be computer illiterate within two years. This goes the same for smartphones out cause they will next take over tablets????

Here popular smartphone on the market now!

Any interest in smartphone/mobile/wireless as a business stop by >>>
MY Mobile/Wireless Home based businesss solutions

Grow & succeed :^)


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Is Direct sales home based business a better route........

...... if you are starting a home based internet business?

I asked this, simply because of the amount of technical & marketing skills needed to really become successful (aka. profitable).

   When most people starts a internet home business in the Multi-level marketing (MLM), they are often mislead, not only about the amount of effort needed to generate the income advertised, but also how to sustain that income.

  Even the best network marketers have people that will drop-outs, not do the necessary work or simply have a saturated market. 

What is Direct sales -- Can be defined like this, marketing and selling of products, directly to a consumer.
You have a product or service that you sale to a buyer ( consumer) in exchange for currency! No need to learn complicated matrix systems. Companies like Avon, Mary Kay, Shaklee, The Pampered Chef & Tupperware are prime examples of successful internet based direct sales companies.
Support Direct sales & Internet Home based business entrepreneurs

Come build a new network marketing company with an exciting income opportunity designed for the individual and sales team seeking an answer to these challenging economic times. Offering products that people want and are willing to pay for even on the tightest budgets.
Do you already have a following, a trusted list. Perhaps, you have members in your current business. Why not have them buy from you products & services they will most definitely NEED, USE or UPGRADE! Build an extra income from those that already trust you.
Eliminating the many barriers to success financially that may have been experienced in other Direct Sales, Network Marketing or MLM opportunities. We are driven by our motto "Makes it Possible!"

Stop by and grow with us.

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." --Thomas A. Edison

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Truth is Network/Internet marketing is hard work!

   I'd like to start off this entry, asking the question....How & why there are so many people in this industry (Network/Internet marketing)? When it is widely known that only 3% will ever be successful & less than 15% will break pass even or R.O.I. (Return On your Investment). I am asking myself this question, simply because I have been in this biz for a number of years now. I 've seen it all, well, most of it. I'm sure to see alot more interesting events as time goes on. And so many continued to promote, so many claim you can success doing almost nothing. Push button this......3 clicks that. Yet, most of these people barely understand what marketing is about, let alone what a business is!

   So, Let me tell you, there has been plenty of long hours.......buildling webpages, articles, blogs, telephone conferences, product & company reviews, set-backs, drop-outs. Just to name a few of the elements one goes through in the industry just to even get to my current position in this monopoly. But in the end, when you get that e-mail confirming a sale or a new prospect has come on-board. you realize that the efforts of yesterday.....has paid off today. (It has help pay bills, even supported me because of sitter issue for my child where quit my job). And thats what counts. But, its who I'm, what I want to become that will set me aside.

Tweet Traffic Rush!

   So what brings me to this point is that there is so much (excuse the term) junk out there that people invest their hard earn money to try and get rich quick. You'd think that as long as this type of press-agentry has been going on, it would be fewer of these nonsense opportunities, better yet fewer people falling for these sites. Yet, every year bring a fresh new crop of get rich quick enthusiants, that believe you can make money doing nothing! And that is why some of these "guru" make HUGH amounts of money and  YOU DON"T!
   Most times its out of desperation, hopeful wishing but I must say some of those types of marketer are very good at saying/writing their ads that it becomes impulsive buying that springs into action, leaving common sense behind.

Side note: MLM in itself is not the culprit, understand that as you know......there are people out there that will do ANYTHING for money.  However, there are redoubtable companies in this industry. So be vigilant in your quest to associate your business with these get rich quick now companies.
   Look, presume must have a product/service that someone is willing to pay money for and you get paid from the sale of that product/service.. Exchange of something for money. No product/service....well where will the money come from to paid you?

After reading this post.......some great related posts I did a few years back here >>

Think about this:
~ the average pay out for most products/services particularly MLM artifacts is about $3-$5 per person in your organization/downline ( thats at least 1000 people needed in your business to generate a $3000 - $5000 a month income)
~ Most,but not all MLM companies make their money from buildling an organization/downline not from the sales. Perhaps consider - direct-sales marketing to start off with. ( I say this because you get paid for what you are able to sale. You get to learn about marketing online....what works, what doesn't work. Plus, and very importantly, you can mature a following aka building a list that believe in you, your brand).

Things to consider in this business:
  • Prepared to do work: its that simply! Nothing worth something is ever going to be just giving to you. Especially money. 
  • Learn something NEW everyday about the computer, the internet & technology - there are many great marketing tools & duplication systems you can implement to help your small business. 
  • Yes, that right....Rememeber that you MUST treat your network/internet marketing undertakings as a "business". 
  • Keep in touch as much as possible with you prospects, clients/consumers & downline. 
  • Paying your dues.....meaning if you are new to online marketing, expect to learn alot before you earn alot
 "In the end, all business operations can be reduced to three words:
people, product and profits.Unless you've got a good team,( the trilogy) you can't do much with the other two".
- Lee Iacocca

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

STOP.....Overcome procrastination

Eliminate the Time Wasters in Selling

By Brian Tracy

   -- The first major time waster in selling is procrastination and delay. This occurs when you find every conceivable reason to put off getting there with people who can and will buy from you. Everyone procrastinates. There is always too much to do and too little time. The difference between successes and failures is determined by people's choices about what they put off. Losers put off the important things that could make a difference in their lives. Winners put off low-value tasks and activities.

Stop Wasting Time

   -- According to Robert Half International, half of all working time, in all fields, is wasted. Most of this wasted time is taken up with coffee breaks, phone calls, and personal business, or other useless activities that make no contribution to your work.

Resolve to Overcome Procrastination

   -- The best way to overcome procrastination is to plan each day in advance, set priorities on your activities, and then make your first sales call as early as you possibly can. Get up and get going. When you launch quickly into a workday, doing something important as early as possible, you will work at a higher level of effectiveness all day long.

The Incomplete Sales Call

   -- Another major time waster is the incomplete sales call, requiring a callback. This occurs when you have not thoroughly prepared your presentation or taken all the materials you need for your sales call. When you are with the customer, you find you're missing the correct order forms, or other materials needed to close the sale. You then have to make arrangements to go back and see the prospect a second time, something that often does not happen.

Inaccuracies and Deficiencies

   -- You waste a lot of time in selling when you find yourself with a prospect, but without all the information needed to make an intelligent presentation. You may have the wrong facts, the wrong figures, or the wrong specifications. You have misunderstood what the prospect said she wanted and made a proposal that does not solve the prospect's problem or satisfy her need.

Lack of Product Knowledge

   -- This weakness can cost you hours of hard work. It boils down to ignorance of the product or service you are selling. This is invariably caused by laziness on the part of the salesperson. Fortunately it can be very easily overcome with time and study.

Poor Preparation

   --Thorough preparation separates the sheep from the goats among sales professionals. The top salesperson takes the time to diligently study every detail of her product or service. She reviews and then reviews again. She takes notes. She decides in advance that no one will ever ask her a question that she cannot answer intelligently and completely.

Unconfirmed Appointments

   -- Here's a common scenario. A salesperson sets off across town to see a prospect for an appointment. It was arranged in advance, so everything should go as planned, right? But when the salesperson arrives, the prospect has been called out of town, is in a meeting, or cannot see him for some reason. As a result, he has wasted the entire trip, including the time it now takes him to get back to the office. Sometimes a salesperson can lose half a day because he did not reconfirm an appointment.

Action Exercise

   -- Plan every day in advance; make a list of everything you have to do, and then set priorities on your list; always start with your number one, most important task