Monday, November 6, 2017

Success or failure - It Is About Perspective

success failure

   Why is it that some people soar upon success effortlessly? Moving from one successful venture or task into the next. While others bust blood, sweat and tears, only to remain exactly where they were as the week & year before. 
   Are some people just chosen for greatness and others cursed? Does the blood of kings & queens flow down through generations? And the DNA of worker bees or slaves embedded in the blood that run through the veins of others?

Can one break the cycle of despair and rise up? 

I never lose Either I win or I learn
   There have been books, seminars, videos and even hypnosis on self worth. Positive reinforcement tactics, self awareness, inspirational posters & motivating social media posting all encourage us to succeed. Never quit mentality. Driven by commercials, movies & sports figures and yet for some......success seems to elude them perpetually. 


   While I can't qualify as an professional adviser, I can however, piece together a half century of life experience including my own personal triumphs & tribulations. To provide a point of view analysis.

What is Success?

    - dictionary version is, the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.   
   -  a person or thing that achieves desired aim or attains prosperity.

What is Failure?

   - dictionary version is, the lack of success. The omission of expected or required action.

We should start with success and failure perceptions.

   I'm not going to get all preachy on you. But I do sometimes like to go to a great source of sorts. My road map for guidance from time to time. Bear with me here.

Open bible
   I believe God aka GOOD looks at what is perceived to be success differently than people do.
 (1 Samuel 16:7)

   God looks at success in a manner where it's a  win- win situation for everyone. Not a I win - you lose or you win - I lose kind of scenario. Whether everyone came out a winner is what the success is.

Which brings us to this......

   Why has our society been built upon this concept. Where someone HAS to win therefore someone WILL lose???
Have we actually set ourselves up for a slow society deterioration.  When we are ALL humans with faults & benefits, gifts & defects.

   What happens when all the winners win, all the successor succeed. If all the failure that went we start changing the rules so that more failure come out of the winning pool? 

   When all the perfect people are perfect, do we change the rules so that now imperfect can be found within the perfect pool.
   So do you see...... who makes the rules to conclude that one over another is a failure? 

.......that's where the real dialogue needs to be understood.

It shouldn't be anyone judging you outside of you!

   If your failure was in the process of achieving a personal goal. Especially something that you are passionate about....who should care if things don't go quite right or if it flopped belly up. Is it REALLY a failure? 

   It's not really failure. It's a step in the growing process. Failures ask the question, are you passionate enough to continue, to grow. Failures ask, what have you learned. Failure are our teachers, our motivators and should inspire.

   Any task where you know you gave it 100%, well that's success not a failure!  

Smiley face Be positive    Yes, you are responsible for your own life. No one is greater than any other. Especially when it comes to material things, physical being or life's situations. 

   One can be a success to one group yet a failure in other.  So who is judging your success or, a hater, jealous co-worker? WHO's to judge you?

   That ole saying, do something you really love and it's not really work!  Right?

   That works fine of course in terms of success or failure when pursuing a personal goal. What about when it's apart of everyday life?

   What if the failure is brought on by life's environment, society or just human interference. The likes of prejudice, dis-respectfulness or bullying. Some experiences are completely out of our control.
In the sense, we still have to go back to who is the true failure. 

   If a person is teased because of their physical being, say their weight, to short or to tall, doesn't speak like the others. Who is the true failure here. Certainly not the person with the physical differences. Differences is actually grand. Who wants to wake-up to a world where everyone looks & thinks like one another?  Boring.....
   The failure is the loser who would degrade another human being who has no control over their attributes. Because in reality....they, the bullies can change the way they look at life, people & situations. Thereby reacting differently. One only has to look at the situation as an empowerment.  From anothers negative ignorance, their weakness, their failure is really ones own strength. Ones own success. 

   Just like an incomplete goal. One finds out what not to do the next time. Here you learn who are not your friends. And one learns to move on and hang out with better 

That's success.             
If you want to fly, give up everything that weights you down
Life, oh what a life we live in. 

   What I'm simply saying is. We are our own success story. Most times it's only an incompletion not a failure.

No-one but no-one except you writes your story.

Excerpts from Got Questions Ministries -  

"How does the Bible define success?"

    He also abundantly provides good physical gifts to His children (food, clothing, houses, etc.), and He loves to do it (Matthew 6:25-33). Yet, most of us, at one time or another, focus on the gifts rather than on the Giver. 

   Because we are focusing on the wrong things. That may be why the Lord sometimes limits His gift-giving to us—so we do not stumble over the gifts and fall away from Him. 

Always look on the Bright side of life
   Picture two hands. In the right hand there are the offer of true contentment, the ability to handle life’s problems without being overcome by them, amazing peace that sees us through all circumstances, wisdom to know what to do, knowledge and constant direction for life, love for others, acceptance of ourselves, joy no matter what, and at the end of life, an eternity with the God who freely gives all these gifts. The other hand holds all the money and power and success the world has to offer, without any of what the right hand holds. Which would you choose? 
 “Where your treasure is, there also is your heart” (Matt. 6:21). 

There is NO real success nor failure you only LIVE & LEARN

It's about your perspective.
Your perceptive A picture of kitten seeing his Tiger reflection in a puddle of water

 California Bioenergy skincare


Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
          DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads which I will be compensated if a purchase is made.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Fantastic Frenzy Fills the Financial World - A Day in the Financial Sector

Digital financial wave graph pointing upward
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   When we woke up this morning, and your alerts are going crazy.......

   Bitcoin tops $7289. Held it's ground for a bit then dip back below $7K. And like a stubborn mule it regained it's ground to settle above $7K. 

 Bitcoin Revolution
   Say what you want, I know there are skeptics who under estimate this technology & it's eventual value behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Yet, it seems even Amazon has taken to the bug. They have recently acquired 3 domain names to utilize what maybe the set-up for future crypto payment acceptance.

Digital cryptocurrency cards future payment process
   With Amazon downplaying the purchases to a mear trade name protection move. Those names include, & 

   A few years back Amazon secured which seems to play into that speculation. 

   Amazon insist that there isn't enough demand for the digital coin to began accepting Bitcoin or any other cryptocoins as a payment outlet.

   This I believe, will be the biggest understatement for many in the near future. There will be a point of trust in the technology, where bitcoin and it's siblings will integrate seamlessly due to demand.

A man holding a sign with tax reform printed on it
  Adding to the financial whirl wind today, President Trump has disclose the administration's Tax reform plan. As it would has been expected. Plenty of fanfare on both sides. I'm so amazed how we have a government that is elected by & for the people yet allows for complete differential in accomplishing little for ALL the people. But, maybe that's just me.

   This 429 page Tax Cut & Jobs Acts reform bill entails proposals that are to enhance corporate & the middle class tax burdens. Trump is expecting a passing of the bill before Thanksgiving. 

The word Tax in big letters with a little man in frontA snippet of the bill:                                   
  • Increased Child Tax Credit
  • Corporate Tax at 35% would be cut to 20%   
  • A company can now deduct investment within same year
  • Larger standard deductions
  • A reduced Home mortgage  interest deduction
  • Eliminating the Estate Tax after doubling it 
  • Eliminating Personal Itemized & Credit deductions 
  • Eliminating Medical Expense deductions
  • Eliminating Alimony Payment deductions
  • Eliminating Student loan interest deduction
  • Changes in State & Local Tax (S.A.L.T.) deductions
  • Tax on Imports from U.S. companies
  • No changes in 401K Retirement 
   Here are just a few of the proposals on the table. As in most any reform procedures there's going to be up's & down's. It would seem that the up's and who benefits are corporations in the higher tax brackets, heirs to estates (over time), low & high income households. 

   Plus, it would seem that doing our own taxes is in our future, as they will be that simplified as to do so.

   The big loser in all this comes out to be the U.S. national debt to the tune of $1.7 trillion. 

   Let the Games begin!

 Solar Powur Sustainable renewable energy

   Here's a little something on the lighter side of today's financial frenzy.  President Trump's newly picked Federal reserve chair-person Jerome "Jay" H. Powell seems like he might go through confirmation without to much distraction. 

   Seeing as he pretty much follows or rather voted along the same lines as the current chairperson Janet L. Yellen. "Jay" as Trump affectionately pinned him in this mornings press conference has been on the Fed's board since 2012. Which would lead one to believe he understand the inner workings of the financial institutions. While others feel he is more in tune to Trumps's wealth building mentality.       In Trump's own words........

President Trump pointing while speaking to the public
Trump says,

"Today is an important milestone on the path to restoring economic opportunity to the American people

   Only time will tell.  

   I say, looking at the way Wall street has been reacting since Trump's election, The wealthy will continue to become wealthier. 
They smell where the money is and go. If getting paid in the future is on your to do list. what they do!

   Touching more on the subject of picking the best stock for your portfolio, that I started in yesterday's post. Don't forget to look within your own circle. 

 Stock market for beginners
   They say, word of mouth is your best review. What about the products you use everyday. Cars was my example yesterday, but yes, things like the company that built the microwave oven you use. Or your favorite television, smartphone, computer. Believe it or not, your kids & grand-kids are a great source on whats the next new thing. What do you see other people using or talking about?

An Apple store  with the apple logoYour next best pick can in the palm of your hands, be staring right at you, speaking to you everyday.......

APPLE Inc. (APPL, +0.73%) 
Hits it's ALL-TIME high today.

Remember, INVESTing in the stock market and you own a piece of that company!

 Cannabis Training University

Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
                           DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

What Does It Take To Pick A Great Stock Investment? - To A Regular Joe & Josette

Stock graph money upward arrow Profitable investments
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

   What affects our financial system? What gets the markets roaring? 

   With all it's up's & downs, fluctuations, peaks, dips, candles & trends . Why is this market a trend anyway? What happened this day that didn't happen yesterday?

   In piecing together a simple insight into the inner workings of the functionality within our stock market! One can only hypothesize. There are no magic wards, you can't input a formula and out materializes an interpretation. 

   In today's intricate world of business finance, those who study, move, react on a hooch & clues, are the ones who most likely will not only survive but will also end up on the wealthier side of the equation.

However, that is easier said than done. 

   Wall Street & the financial district is ALL about money. Lots & lots of money! 

   It is estimated that some $2+ trillion passed through this district everyday.  

 Everyday......? Phew!

Stacks of Neatly stacked 100 dollar Bills
   Money is power & power is money. And there's nothing easy about getting to it neither. 

   Man has for centuries done every conceivable act, scheme, deed, venture & jobs to get their hands on as much of that dollar dollar bill as they can possibly have. And when they do......they want more. 

   It's out there, money, wealth & riches that for sure. The bigger the payout, the bigger the risk one will take.

 The same with the markets.......

   What is the strategy for your investments? Are you looking for a long term or short term investments? 

   These two channels makes a world of difference.

   Long term, being 10, 15 - 20 years that requires you to sit and be patient. These can be medium to minimal risk. Generally called "Buy & Hold" stocks. These are the seeds you plant now . Then you nourish them through maturity and growth. You are building a passive wealth over time especially in what is called compound interest. Reinvesting your dividends  (profits) back into more shares. 

Stock Investment Money Buy Sell Invest Hold Long term Short term
   Short term goals, couple of weeks to under 3 years. Generally, short term gain offer reasonable yield. These are your bank type saving accounts, CD Certificates of Deposit, money market (index) funds, treasuries or bonds. That are less risky.  Trading stocks in the short term game results in higher taxation issues, profits eaten away through penalties & transaction fees. 

   Even shorter term  investing is available. If you enjoy sitting around in front of a computer all day where the operations  are the same yet trading is done in as little as the same day. 

   Day trading,  buying on the fluctuation of the markets. Buy low then sell high and make a quick profit. A bit riskier of course as mentioned above, idea here is to make a little here & there multiple times throughout the day to make it worth while.

   These are just the tip of  iceberg when it comes to the workings of the stock market for a gain. Still, what are some of the barometer in determining a decent playing field? 

How does one began to get a little dirty in the world of trading?

Click Button Member's Only Investing Club Jim Cramer 14 Day Free Trial
  To start with, companies you know. Understanding the company or industry is of most importance. When you know something about the industry you are investing in. You can interpret other actions that surround that business. 

   Let's say you are investing in the automobile industry.  Because you work as a car salesperson, you are close to the action. You have meeting on the car buying experience, your know when car buying is heaviest and in it's slow periods. 

   Other insight maybe the amount of mechanical issues a particular model might have. You get immediate feedback from consumers on a wide variety of subjects that ordinary people just are not privy to. 

   These bits of information can provide you a general feel on what direction that company is heading . If you know that consumer are not happy with the style or performance you then understand that will have an impact on sales within that company thereby influencing the value of your stock.

Road sign displaying Investment with arrow pointing up
   Another indicator, looking at the markets for stocks that have hit a first time all-time high. There might be something going on there. Research to see has there been any improvements that may have a connection to this company. Has there been an sales inquiry or talk of merger.

   These are some tell-tale signs to be watchful for. If you are going to do investment for a gain. It is most certainly a safer strategy to go long-term or "buy & hold". This requires you buy your shares and hold on to them for 10, 15 or 20+ years.

   Blue chip companies are great long term prospects. Watch for great book-keeping, solid management, future projects. 

   Which takes us to a crucial element in stock trading. Understanding the companies overall value or it's market (cap) capitalization. What debt has it accumulated or it's (EV) enterprise value.  


You are hoping for returns (profits from the company shares) it's best to look at your earning per share (EPS) growth. While this is a pretty good indication of the companies profits measurements.

What are the trends? 

   For instance,  tech & energy stocks are doing well these last few months. Pay attention to the trucking industry. Up ticks in the sales of trucks is a slick indicator that businesses are busy. People buying goods is always a great economical indicator.

   Here's a few industries that are poised to do very well over the next few years:
  • Sustainable Renewable Energy 
  • Artificial Intelligence AI, 
  • Deep learning, Machine learning
  • Drone Technology 
  • Electric automobiles, 
  • Solar power
  • Cannabis (especially medical marijuana)
  • Biotech 

        ........are just a few to name.

In picking stocks, one must think in terms of sub-groups. What are ALL the factors that surround that company?

   See within each of these individual industries are other industries. Supply chain as they are called. Suppliers of the materials in process to the finished product.

  In the sustainable renewable energy field, you have solar, wind, turbine, hydro. Artificial intelligence requires chips & processors. 
Drone technology will need visual equipment and landing fields, operators, technicians and businesses that will utilize these drones. Solar power uses panels, installers. 
The medical & recreational cannabis industry will set off an agriculture boom like no other. 

   See where I'm going with this. The companies that supply the raw materials to a popular product, say like smartphones & earbuds etc. Great investment opportunities.

   Using this thought process as a foundation. Along with some other technical indicators which we will tap into as we move forward. Will help influence your confidence in your trade, buying & selling strategies. 

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   Please remember this, my one soul purpose is to post information expressed in as plain & simple to understand terminology. No fancy wording or path to complex that you can't get out there and get a piece of your own company. Build a nest egg and wealth as the wealthy have done continuously for decades. Try not to read to much into the steps. It is a learning process, let it happen. As you learn to crawl, then you learn to walk which will lead to running. 

Life isn't that complicated, we just tend to make it that way!

   There's all kind of money out there floating around. The plan is to get sucked up in that whirl wind and ride it like the riches of the rich. And ALL You have to do is what they do.

Money is not evil.......Humans are their own culprit!

Financial freedom

Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved
DISCLOSURE: This post contains sponsored ads and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

HAPPY HALLOWEEN Oct. 31st 2017 Blogger Post: What A Day, Life Faith God

Lighted pumpkin craved with a smiley face candle lite background

         Happy Halloween to All:

Spooky picture with the grim reaper  haunted house

  Did you dress up in your best outfit? If you are out and about today or tonight, please be extra careful & have a scary good time. 


   Before we get into any tech, health, or finance discussions of the day. I first would like to take a moment to send my condolences out to our fellow New York citizens who were selfishly & cowardly targeted for harm.  Yet, again a weak brainwashed individual has choosing to inflict unprovoked destruction upon the innocence. My prayers going up and out to the families involved.

   One last statement, actual my personal view point. Just so it's out there. I view religions as a way of "life", keyword here is "LIFE". 

   Life is FAITH, faith comes in the form of religion. Religion to express peace, love and God (GOOD). Any deviation of good is not GOD's will. In no faith, no language in anything. GOD would not harm others in the name of GOOD. That's human beings thinking they know better.   

Christ the Redeemer statue, Rio de Janeiro with #1stpeacemaker
"So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?" Mr. Okamoto: "That's an interesting question?" Mr. Chiba: "The story with animals." Mr. Okamoto: "Yes. The story with animals is the better story." Pi Patel: "Thank you. And so it goes with God." Ch 99, pg 317
 Yann MartelLife of Pi

   Since I could remember, I have always had a peaceful demeanor. In fact, since I was in high-school, I have carried the nickname peacemaker or (#1stpeacemaker as it is on my social media outlet) with me. I can't tell you why or how it all came about. It is just who I am, not that I don't have my moments. People surely can bring something nasty out of anyone. But by all past forecast, I should have been the opposite. 

    One portion of this, I revealed in a short writing here 

   By this I mean, in short, my birth & upbringing should have giving me plenty of reason to become a negative person. I can use plenty of situations to I guess have a grudge on any number of life events. To be upset or mad about life. To be hateful or selfish, yet I turned out the likes of me by my choice. 

  My choice, uhmmm, a most privileged gift known to most  humans

“I was giving up. I would have given up - if a voice hadn't made itself heard in my heart. The voice said "I will not die. I refuse it. I will make it through this nightmare. I will beat the odds, as great as they are. I have survived so far, miraculously. Now I will turn miracle into routine. The amazing will be seen everyday. I will put in all the hard work necessary. Yes, so long as God is with me, I will not die. Amen.” 
Yann MartelLife of Pi

   I see life, knowing that many people have had some of the most horrific unimaginable events directed upon them.
For no other reason than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, not being of a certain race or religion. Or just simply succumbing to pure evil, humans version of a monster.
   I wish one thing these bastards would do before they decide to harm another human being. I wish they would first live along side the other. Do not judge until you walk on that persons path. Don't hate something you've never tried. 

Picture of earth from space with Peace written in the middle Peace on Earth

“These people fail to realize that it is on the inside that God must be defended, not on the outside. They should direct their anger at themselves. For evil in the open is but evil from within that has been let out. The main battlefield for good is not the open ground of the public arena but the small clearing of each heart.” 
Yann MartelLife of Pi

   In my many years on this planet......It seems humans have two confusions........

1) We are simply just strange beings because: 

   - Everything we need is giving to us (at one point, FREE), All we have to do is work at planting our food, building our shelter and helping the next human being. 

Included were extra gift granted to us.
  •    - Giving intelligence to do all the above.
  •    - to LOVE
  •    - Forgiveness
  •    - Free will
  •    - Choices
A flying white Dove of love
With that being said, #2:

2) Life really is NOT that complicated, humans just MADE IT this WAY!

   It really isn't a sacrifice to accept others. The way they may look, what faith they believe in, where they are from, what they eat, how they speak. Nothing is that negative as to take or hate another life!

   Truth be told, there are way more God fearing, law abiding beings on our planet than evil doers. Problem is we let the few control what is rightfully the righteous, the good folk, the hard working, family loving beings. Again, life's not complicated.

   Oops, my writing took a little longer than expected, well life is a passion. It really is a beautiful thing. Yes, it does have it's bumps. We call that as well....LIFE!

“I must say a word about fear. It is life's only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life. It is a clever, treacherous adversary, how well I know. It has no decency, respects no law or convention, shows no mercy. It goes for your weakest spot, which it finds with unnerving ease. It begins in your mind, always ... so you must fight hard to express it. You must fight hard to shine the light of words upon it. Because if you don't, if your fear becomes a wordless darkness that you avoid, perhaps even manage to forget, you open yourself to further attacks of fear because you never truly fought the opponent who defeated you.” 
Yann MartelLife of Pi

Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes All Rights Reserved