Why a New Years resolution?
Resolution is defined as to do or not to do something. The act, decision or commitment to solve an issue or quarrelsome problem.
Every year around this time, we humans contemplate what bad habit we want to eliminate or some improvement we want to offer ourselves in the up and coming New Year.
It seems that something we could very well start at anytime the previous year, New years always offer us a new beginning. Maybe it's a point of reference or the word new has something to do with just a place to start or start over.
A little research indicates that even though new years resolution is widely a western hemisphere tradition. Some 4000 years before, the Babylonians who celebrated New years in March (later changed by the Romans to January). Were the first to set New years resolutions.
Their celebrations were intended to favor their gods in hopes that the new year would be an exceptional one. As the Romans instilled our current new years date of January 1st. The primary resolution was to treat others with goodwill. Some of the more common resolutions to date, entails the likes of:
- Budgeting finances better
- Losing weight
- Quitting smoking
- Personal improvement
- Taking on a new hobby
- Eating healthier
- Contacting old friends & family members
- Finding a better job or starting one
- Improving or finding a new love
Interesting enough, statistics suggest that only 8% -10% achieve their desired goal. Many fall short within the 1st month. Yet, the New years resolution is a time honored custom that has lasted some 4000+ years and who are we to abstain from good old fashion tradition.
As we bring in the New year and set new goals, let us take a moment to do a basic acknowledgement of self-awareness. By first, appreciating what we already have. These being some of the really simple yet significant matters in our lives that we do take for granted.......breathing, sight, touch, a hug, a child's smile, being loved, the way the sky looks, the taste of your favorite food. What about that moment you're at peace when everything seems to be falling apart. Later, realizing, worrying would not have changed a thing.
Yeah, simple luxury of life.....Air, water, food & shelter.
So yes, this year be humble & grateful because no matter what your current situation.......understand that there is someone out there in this world that would gladly switch places with you in a blink of an eye. Grasp that realization for just a moment. That there is someone who would love to be in your predicament, in your hardship, even though it may be an uncomfortable one for you now. Someone else is in that much more distressed. So yes, evolve into a bit more beholden of the things you already have then build on that.
Next, one of the leading personal gratification of all GOALS, is your health. We all have a vise or two that can be trimmed or cut loose. Smoking, drinking to much, addictions our eating habits etc. That when isolated can drastically improve ones energy, mental , fitness, and strength. Many of which, a simple exercise or diet will do to enhance our well-being.
Of all importance.......
........a person's aspiration, a desired result, something that one tries to achieve.
Businessdictionary defines it perfectly.......
"An observable and measurable end result having one or more objectives to be achieved within a more or less fixed timeframe."

Make a short list of doable objectives.
Put them where you can see them everyday!
Now make a more ambitious desire. What long-term goal would you like to foresee? Make them a bit overboard, a little out of reach. (Now read the text in the image)
“Jump high brother!! So high that if you fall, then people should remark on not how far you fell but how high you jumped” ~ Anubhav Mishra
Network - interact with any contact list, family & friends. Reach out to those that will help support your goals this year.
Jim Rohn is quoted to say....... "You're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with."
Advise them to remind you, to inspire you and to motivate you of the plans you started at the beginning of the year.
Hint: You'll find out who your true friends are. The ones that will walking with you when you don't have a ride as oppose to the ones that want to ride with you in the limo!
Get organized - Winter clean, declutter....everything! If it not essential to the NEW & IMPROVED you. Then clear out the old and shine up for the new.
This life, sadly (yet, understandably) has industrialized itself into a monetary system that may be irreversible. An entirely different subject.
With compassion........ one can play the game, sort to speak.
Start investing or at least learn more about the businesses that you buy products from on a daily basis that actually can pay you back........Investments! - If you are in your 20s or 30s. Include investing now. Think long-term strategy. Your older self will thank you. Are you in your 40s/50s, us baby-boomers. This is an interesting time to catch up!
Believe this!
With that....
Learn something new each day - Especially if it is related to your goals.....It's called........living life!
Focus on you! - Meditate on self-awareness
Work on understanding a bit more about yourself. Who are you really. What & why do certain things scare you. Why are you fearful? Try to dig a bit deeper into your inner self. Learn more about why you do or don't things.
Everyone is here for a reason, a GOOD REASON!
Let the NEW YEAR give you motivation to grow!
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