It’s purpose, it’s essence, more importantly, it’s worth? To put it quite simply….life is value!
More so, life is OF value.
Life has a purpose!
1st) About life
2nd) What do we do in life.
Let’s see if we can address them appropriately. Not being a teacher or an English major…….yet, let’s take a look at this as if “about life” is a noun & “what do we do in life” as a verb.
Verbs ~ are words that show an action, occurrence, or state of being (exist).
Noun ~ refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality.
Definition acknowledge them as follows:
VALUE verb ~ Consider (someone or something) to be important or beneficial; have a high opinion of. When we interpret this word value in relevance to life. A deeper review into it’s chapters is in itself revealing. Life is both someone & something. A human being, an animal, a plant. Life is water, whether it be drinking water or a body of water such as a lake, stream, river or ocean. Life can also be an automobile, a smartphone even a building. Here's what I see akin as I look through these dictions. They all require and produce energy.
Energy is usable power.
In addition, as a verb, value ~ estimate the monetary worth of something or (someone).
"Life is energy, an usable power that provides worth to something or someone."
PHOTO by Frank McKenna
VALUE noun ~ a person's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. Life in it’s relevance to human beings on planet earth. Is we are held to a higher principle. Or should I say, humans should cast it's influence of life in humanity to a higher standards.
A quick example into my thought process:
Additionally, as a noun, that someone or something of value is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
"Life for humans being hold a higher standard of worth and usefulness."
PHOTO by Madi Robson
With that being explained……..
1) Life is about producing energy.
What do we do with life?
Life in trees produce oxygen, life in plants produce nutrition, life in a song will produces emotions. Life in a house or building produces shelter and security. WHAT life is doing, is producing usable energy.
Well my friend, If you feel that you are wasting time just waiting for the next day and the day after that. Not knowing what to do in life or questioning why you are here. You can see that you are not being of value. Your ability to be useful has your principles lowered. Which will cause one to become depressed, a sense of uselessness or not worthy.
You must take anything that’s a part of you and apply it to a positive passion. Believe me, there are plenty of avenues, channels & causes to champion. A service to others, a compassionate being of caring and helping living souls. All of which gives you self-worth! Find something that you care about……and create a passion out of it. If it’s nothing more than smiling at another human everyday. If one smiles back, you produced an energy. A worthy value because smiling is a positive energy.

"WE are here to produce a positive useful energy. That is life."
There comes a time when we should really really step back......hold on!
WE NEED to take stock in what we have produced in terms of value aka positive useful energy. What value did we give to life and question the values we got out of being "alive".
If you're young, we tend not to focus on the thought of value. We just subconsciously do life, we involuntarily presume immortality. We go on without ever really asking what am I to do or why am I here. Of course, as we become older (not old) but older, we process this with a bit more concern. And with a little thought to reason........we began to see or maybe even question our purpose for being here. Depending on the values one has gathered to this point.
Now I won't get all deep into this or that, for now, but I believe that we all do have a principle. That we are an intricate component to a much grander blueprint......we are here for a reason. That being, destiny.
Back to this entity of value. If one were to vest an equivalent essence into he's or hers esprit, wouldn't it equal ones life experiences? Could these experiences represent value? Value in the form of knowledge, memories, empathy, compassion, satisfaction, success, wisdom etc.
(Notice there are NO monetary worth here!)
That becomes an affixed topic later on. Monetary value sometimes are exploited to encourage the journey that helps characterize your LIFE value.
In short, I know to late right? Lol, but at it's simplicity..... we are looking at the value of life as it pertains to what we choose to do in it. Did we put any value into it? How much did we get out of it? Did we do with it the matters for what we were destined? Are you left feeling as if there were to many undone adventures, taste buds still not conquered, parts of the world seemingly distanced?
Remember, life produces positive useful energy. That's what I believe we are here for.
Well, I'm one, looking from the outside in. If I can perhaps write to better articulate what I'm missing while I am still alive. Maybe then you can direct a plan to accomplish them before we pass on.......before we become useless energy!
My Legacy (WE) My Son
Photo by Andrew & Andreas Hayes
Copyright © 2017 Andrew Hayes WeHit All Rights Reserved
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